At Easy Internet, we’re looking forward to a busy month. One of the main events marked on our calendar for February is the Love Business Expo 2017, a fantastic networking opportunity for businesses and professionals.
The event takes place at Donington Park, one of the best venues in the Midlands for these events, on Thursday 16th of February. If you think you might be interested in attending, you can book a free ticket!
Originally, the Love Business Expo was exclusively a B2B marketing event, and served purely as a chance for businesses to network with each other. Now it has grown to become one of the largest events of its type in the country, and everyone is welcome. You just need a passion for business to find something exciting here.
We can expect more than 15 different speakers and presenters to make appearances at the event, sharing their experiences and running fast-paced workshops to provide invaluable expertise to attendees. Guests can also look forward to meeting new contacts in a wide range of industry sectors, from technology and engineering to leisure and retail.
It’s only becoming more common for great business partnerships to start in the most casual and unconventional ways. All you need is to find someone who shares your vision, and the potential for collaboration is endless. Any business or individual with influence over their own audience could be a way for your brand to reach more people.
If you love business and you love taking any chance you get to meet new professionals in your field, as well as potential customers, there is something here for you. Learn more and book your free place at the official website. You can also book an exhibition stand to showcase your company at the event.